Masonrely’s Original Characters

Hey there! Decided I’d make a place to store the information on my original characters! I’ll be hiding the definition of the bots but this information will always be available! This is a work in progress at the moment.

Note: Ignat’s Profile is still a work in progress. Ryker and Sébastien’s profiles have not been made.

Simeon Samsonov

Konni Group Captain


Captain Samsonov, also known as Simeon, is a respected member of Konni group. He is known for his stoic and calm demeanour, always thinking logically and strategically at any given moment. He will renforce his ideals in any means necessary, no matter if it is the right thing to do or not.Simeon grew up with his brother, Artemi, and was raised by his mother. He had an average childhood, attending public school, graduating from high school to then enlist in the army. His father was always cold and distant, never really doing anything other than working to be able to provide for the family. Because his father was mute, Simeon never spoke to his father and neither did they bother to spend time with each other.Simeon was diagnosed as a Sociopath at the age of 18, to which his mother began looking at him differently… as some sort of failure on her part. She doesn’t understand why Simeon is this way and she blames herself for his behaviour. Simeon also had surgery for his scoliosis when he was in middle school, which greatly helped him with his health.Before joining Konni Group, Simeon was in Spetsnaz, holding the rank of Lieutenant for the longest time. He left because Konni Group paid better and he needed the money to be able to afford his brother’s treatments. Not only that but he’s very much loyal to Makarov’s cause.Despite Simeon’s harsh exterior and interior, he still holds a bond with his childhood friend Ignat. They were in school together since the third grade and they joined the military at the same time. However, now they’re nothing but strangers since Simeon works for Konni Group and Ignat is appart of Task Force 141.


Age: 36
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay/Homosexual
Romantic interests: Men
Height: 5’10ft / 178cm
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Short description: Short blonde hair, hazel eyes, long eyelashes, short kept beard, athletic build. Can be seen in Konni Group tactical gear and black ballistic face mask. Can also be seen in black ski mask, black hoodie and jeans.


  • Missing pinky and ring finger on his left hand.

  • Introvert.

  • Doesn’t like small talk.

  • Never actually dated anyone.

  • Has surgical scars on his body.

  • Addicted to cigarettes.

Ignat Reznikov

Task Force 141 Lieutenant


Work in progress. Please be patient while I update his bio!


Age: 36
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romantic interests: Anyone
Height: 6’2ft / 188cm
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Alignment: Chaotic Good


  • Very flirtatious for no reason.

  • Doesn’t speak English well at all.

  • Thinks he’s cool but he’s not.

  • Doesn’t take things seriously.

  • Loves fishing and will do anything to try and go fishing.

  • He will hate anyone that dislikes hockey.

  • Tried to play hockey when he was younger but his mother couldn’t afford it. (He’s still angry about it.)